Thursday, October 4, 2007

HW 16: Five Pillars of Convorsational Software

I read an interview with Robert Scoble called “Blogs: Humanizing the Face of Corporate America” in Blog!: How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture by David Kline and Dan Burstein. In this interview he talked about the 5 Pillars of Conversational Software. These are what Scoble thinks are the 5 things that made blogging hot. The first one is the ease of publishing. Anyone can go on the web, take 2 minutes to set up an account with whatever blog site they want to, and start writing about anything that comes to mind. The second one is discoverability. This is relating to how blog authors put tags on their posts to tell people what they are about, people can search for a subject, and certain tagged blogs will come up of that subject. Cross-site conversation is also one of the pillars. This is talking about how sites can link to each other if they blog about the same topics. Permalinking is the fourth pillar. Using permalinking you can put a URL to a certain blog post instead of your homepage and people don’t have to search through all your posts to find a specific one. The last pillar is syndication. Syndication helps you see a large number of sites on your own terms. I was a little confused on this pillar and I wasn’t sure what exactly it meant.


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