Thursday, September 20, 2007

HW 9: To Post or Not To Post? That Is the Question.

This interview I read called “A Weblog Saved My Life Last Night” with Ayelet Waldman in Blog!: How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and media by David Kline and Dan Burstein was really neat. I actually went to her blog ( and read a few of the posts. She really had a lot of trouble in her life. I’m of two minds about what information Ayelet was putting on the internet. On one hand I agree that it is good for people to get their ideas out and even receive support from people on the internet sometimes. On the other hand putting suicidal thoughts or personal information about your family and your sex life is not ok. Some people like me, do not want to hear that. I understand that it helped her in the end to get better, but when I read her blog post that she talked about in the book it was scary. I also agree that there should be a place for women to meet other women that have had or are struggling with the same problems. It is very comforting sometimes to have another person that has something in common with you to talk to. I think that it was a good choice for her to stop blogging because all the stories she told online are the ones she could have wrote a novel about and made lots of money with.


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