Thursday, September 13, 2007

HW 5b: Young People Changing the Future?

Ahh, Kline and Burstein again. The chapter “I Blog Therefore I Am” in Blog!: How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture it talks about how the so called “old forms” of television and newspaper media are fading. There wasn’t much in the reading I disagreed with but one thing that jumped out at me is on the first page, page 237, where Kline claims that “the nation’s print and television media are going the way of the dinosaur.” I question this statement because I personally watch the news a lot. I also see a lot of students around campus either sitting around reading a newspaper or carrying one in their hand (which makes me assume that they are going to or already have read it.) Kline also emphasizes that it is young people that are changing those statistics about reading the paper. I sort of agree with this because you don’t see many elderly people searching the web… (well at least I don’t.)


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